A Politics-Reinforcing Political Question Doctrine

Harlan Grant Cohen. The modern political question doctrine has long been criticized for shielding the political branches from proper judicial scrutiny and allowing the courts to abdicate their responsibilities. Critics of the doctrine thus cheered when the Supreme Court, in…
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The Rise of Tribes and the Fall of Federal Indian Law

Lance Morgan. This Article will question some of the fundamental principles of federal Indian law—because it is still grounded in the biases of the past—and explain how the growing economic power of tribes is empowering the rapid growth of tribal…
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A Perspective on Suitable Latitude for Religious Establishments

Laurence Winer & Nina J. Crimm. How should we balance claims of religious liberty against demands for maintaining separation of church and state? Are privately held secular corporations, whose owners have sincere religious beliefs regarding contraception, entitled to disregard legal…
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Making It Reign: Bow Down to Money (as Speech)

Tracy Alice Olson. Specifically, this Comment considers reconciling the level of scrutiny and deference due to campaign contributions and disclosure requirements with campaign expenditures. Part I traces the historical legal basis of campaign finance. Beginning with the Constitution, the background…
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Biologically Biased Beneficence

Jeffrey Evans Stake. After death and after taxes, the laws relating to wills, trusts, and intestate succession determine what to do with a decedent’s assets. Much of that body of law is built upon the assumption that the law should…
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