Awards & Recognition
The Arizona State Law Journal is committed to showcasing its student members’ achievements. Read more about how the Journal‘s members have been recognized for their contributions to legal scholarship.
Award-Winning Comments

Melissa Alter won the Ross-Blakely Law Library Award for Exemplary Student Research for her comment, Undoing Past (In)Jury: Adapting to the Loss of Peremptory Challenges.

Seth Young won the Ross-Blakely Law Library Award for Exemplary Student Research for his comment, Hope for the Hopi: How Certification Marks Can Help the Hopi Tribe Protect its Most Colorful Crop.

Claire Newfeld won the Scribes Law Review Award for her comment, Indian Boarding School Deaths and the Federal Tort Claims Act: A Route to a Remedy, published in our Spring 2023 issue.

Noah Goldenberg was one of 25 recipients of the Law360 Distinguished Legal Writing Award from the Burton Awards for his comment, Indian Embryos as "Indian Children?" His comment was published in our Summer 2023 issue.