Justice as Healing: Native Nations and Reconciliation

2022, Past Issues, Print, Volume 54 (2022) Issue 1 (Spring)
Rebecca Tsosie  I am honored to give the Canby Lecture for 2020, and I thank Patty Ferguson-Bohnee and Kate Rosier for their leadership of the Indian Legal Program and for inviting me today. I’m delighted to return, even in a virtual space, to the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University (ASU). This was my academic home for over twenty-two years, and I owe so much to this law school and its amazing faculty, past and present. In particular, I honor Judge Canby, who first taught Federal Indian law at ASU in the early days of the law school before there was a formal Indian Legal Program, and who was responsible for recruiting the first Native students to graduate from ASU’s law school. Judge Canby’s intellectual leadership…
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