Inoculating Businesses Against Liability: What Works for Arizona?

By Sean Krieg.Businesses’ liability protection from corona virus related claims has been a major point of contention in federal stimulus package debates. Firms point out—rightly so—that many small- and mid-sized businesses cannot afford to weather a large influx of claims…
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Taylor v. Riojas: Qualified Immunity in 2020

Nathaniel Rubin, 1L It’s time for an overhaul of qualified immunity in America. Police misconduct, particularly relating to their use of force with communities of color, has been at the forefront of the national conversation for almost a decade. Society…
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Is Wrongful Imprisonment Worth Something?

It is hard to think of something more patently unfair than a person being convicted and imprisoned for a crime they did not commit. But that is exactly what happened in 1980 to Cathy Woods. Cathy spent nearly thirty-four years…
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