How Blockchain Will Transform Your Legal Practice

By Gideon Cionelo.Blockchain is a relatively new technology that is taking the world by storm. Almost every major government and Fortune 500 company is studying this technology as its potential uses in every-day life expand. The legal profession will not…
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Beyond the Ballot: Ensuring Your Vote Is Actually Counted

By Katie Giel. Election Day is tomorrow, November 3rd, and many Arizonans have already cast their ballots. Even so, a flurry of litigation in recent weeks that extended Arizona's voter registration deadline, moved the deadline again, and sought to alter…
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Voting Rights During a Historic Election Year

By Shayna Frieden.100 years ago, Congress enacted the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote. Today, voting rights are at the center of one of the most contentious elections in our nation's history. Driven by the pandemic, voting by…
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CCPA, CPRA, and the Case for Federal Data Privacy Laws

By Mitchell Antalis.In the waning months of a decade characterized by the digitalization of nearly all aspects of life, giving rise to unprecedented concerns regarding data collection, misuse, abuse, breach, weaponization, and interconnectivity, and notwithstanding the exacerbation of these issues…
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What Happens When the Arbitrator Is Biased?

By Iris (Yeonjae) Lim.Parties in a dispute have several options as to how they want to resolve their issues, and arbitration is one of those options for parties to manage their disputes without going to court. According to the American…
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What is Arbitration and Why Should You Care?

By Cole Cribari.The general public almost never hears the word arbitration unless they’re watching news that involves a dispute between businesses, or they find themselves embroiled in a dispute where arbitration has been suggested or required as a method of…
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