The Unkindness of Fate: Why Atkins v. Virginia Warrants an Extension to Capital Defendants with a Cluster B Personality Disorder

2020, Online, Past Issues, Volume 52 (2020) Issue 4 (Winter)
By Olivia Meme** Full Article. I. Introduction. Daryl Renard Atkins never finished high school.[1] His trouble with academics began when he was held back in the second grade and continued throughout elementary and middle school, where he maintained a “D” grade average.[2] His middle school transcripts noted “he did not meet the requirements for promotion to high school.”[3] Socially, Atkins was described as a “follower” whose “limited intellect would result in ‘reduced judgments and reduced understanding of the world in general around him compared to others.’”[4] He accrued twenty-one felony convictions between the ages of thirteen and eighteen.[5] Atkins’s former teachers described him as having “a constant problem with authority, tardiness, loitering, [and] disciplinary problems.”[6] After repeating the tenth grade, Atkins was placed in a classroom meant for “slow learners,” with…
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Ag-gag in the Aftermath of Free Speech Claims: How Iowa Rewrote Its Unconstitutional Agricultural Protection Law

Online, Past Issues, Volume 52 (2020) Issue 4 (Winter)
Avery Topel* Full Article. I. Introduction The undercover investigation into Iowa Select Farms is disturbing.[1] Recordings show farm workers smashing baby piglets against a concrete floor, young animals being kicked and stomped on, and unanesthetized tail cuttings and castrations.[2] At another Iowa facility, Sparboe Egg Farms, an undercover investigation revealed hens suffering from burned beaks, open wounds, and filthy living conditions.[3] The publicized video led McDonald’s to end its relationship with Sparboe.[4] At a third Iowa farm, pigs were beaten and kicked while a supervisor instructed an undercover investigator: “You gotta beat on the bitch. Make her cry.”[5] As a result, several employees were fired and charged with animal abuse.[6] While these investigations took place on Iowa farms, similar reports can be found in dozens of states, especially those that…
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