

The Arizona State Law Journal Blog’s articles do not constitute legal advice. The Blog’s articles focus on timely legal information that may, but does not necessarily, represent the authors’ personal views. The Blog’s articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the Arizona State Law Journal or the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law.

Sharpies at the Polls: Not Legally Required, but Procedurally Necessary

Community Property with Right of Survivorship: Protected Under A.R.S. § 14-6102 or Not?

House Bill 2042- What Effects Will the “Tamale Bill” Have as it is Finally Implemented?

Confirming Lower Court Judges in the Senate Lame Duck Session

Compelled to Pay, Compelled to Speak: Rethinking Mandatory Student Fees Post- Janus 

The Central Arizona Oasis

Caught in the Crossfire: How the Arizona Families Tax Rebate Became a Federal Debate

Proposition 314: Likely to Pass—Will It Even Take Effect?  

Unjustifiable Expense: Tribal Nations Should be Included in FRE 902(1)

Criminalizing Homelessness Under the Guise of Public Safety